What a weekend guys! We had a ton of fun in Rule with Joseph's family (and my momma too!). After Charley began her antibiotics for bilateral ear infections :( she was a happy, happy kid. She literally would have stayed outside the entire time in Rule if we had let her!!!
We enjoyed Easter festivities with the littles, card games with the bigs, and of course, ahhhmazing food from the family.
One of my favorite things about going to Rule is cramming as many of us as we can into Grandma and Grandpas house! I think it's so special to spend time in the only house they ever lived in. They raised five kids in a two bedroom, one bathroom house, and when you get the whole family together, is just pure simple coziness :)
Memaw Val and her sister Julie started a big egg fight. It was hilarious to watch and didn't phase the littles one bit during their egg hunt. Charley didn't really know what to think and needed a lot of help, but she had fun nonetheless!
We actually did our family egg hunt on Saturday since there was a chance for rain on Sunday (and don't you know it poured!!).
Sunday I woke up late (8:30am is now considered late :) and Joseph had already dressed Charley for the day.
^^^When I asked him where her Easter Sunday dress was, his reply was, "She can't play in that!" Haha!
I did manage to pull her dress on and put a bow on too. Not without a fight of course! And this was the result...
She absolutely refused to smile! Ohhh, that girl!
Liza started getting really fussy on Easter Sunday and my mom noticed her tugging at her ear. She had a mild fever the night before so I tried my best to keep her coddled and sleepy.
And did you know I didn't get one single picture of the girls together on Easter!? Or of us as a family? Dang :(
(I so wasn't feeling well so I blame my lack of pictures on that! I also missed some great shots of the fam shooting clays and Joseph and Uncle Rod riding horses!)
Today I felt like was a classic Monday everyone always talks about. First thing, I took Liza to her pedi to check on that ear. Sure enough, she has an ear infection. She is so different from Charley in that I never knew Char was sick or not feeling well until she ran a temperature. She must handle pain well. Liza? Not so much. She's very vocal about her ear pain...poor girl has been extra clingy to momma and Memaw today. :(
After Liza's appointment I took myself to the doctor and came home with bronchitis. I felt poorly all weekend and passed it off as allergies. Luckily Memaw Val was around today to help me with the girlies! I had a third doctors appointment later in the afternoon and by the end of all the appointments I just wanted my Jojo! Sometimes I just need him to hold me while I cry. Corny, I know, but oh so true.
Which is why he is, and always will be, my MCM. I texted him about our crazy day and he said he couldn't wait to be home with his girls even if they were all whiney or gripey :)
I know it's a tough job living with three girls, and it will only get tougher, but Joseph sure does so gracefully and full of faith and wisdom and leadership. His little ladies are quite grateful for our handsome daddy!!!
Here's to a better week guys! Stay healthy, have fun, and hug your sweeties :)
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