Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Baby Liza has been creeping up on milestones much faster than this mommy can anticipate :) 

So far she is doing so well at almost five months. 

-She can hold her head up for long periods of time. When she gets tired though, like when in her Bumbo chair, she slouches to one side! 

-She can roll to her tummy from her side. Allllmost from her back. 

-She reaches for objects. Mostly to put in her mouth :)

-She loves to play with her feet :)

-She "talks" all the time. Sweet coo's and screams and hums. 

-She has more awake periods of the day and on a good day (when sister isn't being a crazy loud toddler) she takes a good three hour nap during the middle of the day or early afternoon! 

-She's had her first round of antibiotics for an ear infection :( For the record, Liza does not enjoy medicine. 

-Still not sleeping in her crib like I would like her to be, but all in due time :)

-She eats oatmeal cereal at night! Tonight was the first night she actually ate it without thrusting it out and crying for the boob! Haha! 

-Tonight she also got her first sister-inflicted wound :( Charley was helping me feed her cereal when I noticed Liza's face grimace and then begin to cry (nay, scream!). I looked down, and there was Charley, in my lap, biting her sisters finger!!!! Oh my word! 

Charley got a spanking and went running to daddy. One sweet part to this was she did come back about five minutes later and said "I sowwy momma. I sowwy Liza."  I just knew Joseph had made her come apologize but it turns out he didn't! She did it all on her own.  


I feel like time is just flying by all too fast! It's hard to soak it all up and still put into words all the emotions a mother feels on a day to day basis. It's a tough job, but the best one I've ever had the pleasure to have! 

(Also, I think Liza might already be cutting teeth!? Yowza! Charley didn't get teeth until she was ten months old! These girls are so different. But I love different :)

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