Monday, May 3, 2010

Live Your Calling and WIN (please!)

Well, for all 2 of you out there who find my blog interesting, you know that I'm entering several "contests", if you will (they are randomly choosing winners), to win a FREE spot to an awesome photography workshop. So here is my entry for today:

“I REALLY want to win a seat to Love Affair Workshop. GO read details and sign up to join in on the fun!”

Ahhh, now that the hard part is done, let me share with you something awesome that our small group is doing right now. We are reading the book Live Your Calling by Kevin and Kay Marie Brennfleck. This book is devoted to finding and fulfilling your mission in life...and doing all of this to fulfill God's Kingdom as well. I'm always a bit "skeptical" about Christian non-fiction (well fiction too, for that matter), because I just don't want to get swept away by emotions and then 3 days later feel like I've lost the fire. Does that make sense? Anyway, this book isn't just a book, it's a TOOL! There are so many helpful questoinnairres, quizes, and assessments to help you find the career (and volunteer outlet) that aligns fully with your values, skills, and interests. If you're like me and are on the fence with some career options then this book is for you. If you have NO clue what God wants you to do, then this book is for you. If you are happy with your current job but feel like there is more out there, then this book is for you! I am so far blown away at how helpful the tools have been.

On a different note, for you crafty .pdf file makers out there, check out Here you will find thousands of free fonts that are simple to download and ready to instantly use. I used a few to spruce up my

Life Calling Map

(one of the tools from Live Your Calling) and adore that you can also donate money to the font creators.

And while I'm throwing out random comments, I busted out my old college lap-top that hasn't been used since around 2008ish and I will happily say she is still goin strong! It's fun to look through old files and pictures too! Wanna see some?

right, Fort Davis during a summer hike in 2008.

, Jarred, Casey, Me, Cara, Landon, and Joseph (head in the middle) during Christmas 2005. An oldie but goodie :)

above, Wedding Day! May 20, 2006

See what fun going through old "junk" is!

Anywho-enjoy your day, and peace and blessings to you all!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the old pics!! Def. one of my favorites of us as a group!
