Thursday, April 29, 2010

Entering for more chances to WIN

“Check out the LOVE AFFAIR BLOG and enter to win a Kelly Moore Bag & a seat to their upcoming workshop in Dallas!!”

Want to know why I keep posting all these things about Love Affair? It's because every place I post (ie: Facebook, Twitter, Blogger...) I get entered to win 1 seat to attend the Love Affair workshop. If you haven't had a chance to look at the blog or website for Love Affair, I'll boil it down for you. Basically it is an enriching workshop for women photographers encompassing the great balance act with your "real" life and your business. And seeing as how I don't even have a business yet, this would be the optimal point to get my wings set to fly!

The cost of the workshop, which is in DALLAS, is $2750. And if you know our current situation, my waitressing tips and Joseph's work at the recording studio really won't allow us the freedom to just throw down that sort of cash. But let me assure you, I really think this is a FAIR price seeing as how these ladies put you up at an awesome hotel in Dallas and basically pour out their brains and hearts to you. I have heard countless positive things people say about this workshop and someday dream to attend. 

But don't take my word for it, check it out for yourself:

Happy Day to you all!

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