Wednesday, April 28, 2010


It's been a while, don't ya think? 

My last post was JULY of 2009! WOW! In that time I have quit Clear Springs to take a full-time "big girl" job in Corporate America. Well, that didn't last long, and 6 months later I'm back in the swing of a happy, simple, life...being a waitress once again. Except this time, I'm OK with that because I'm more than a waitress. I'm a wife. A daughter. A sister. A friend. A crafter. A photographer. A precious child of God and a lover of all people. 

So as you can see, I haven't quite figured out what I want to be "when I grow up". However, Joseph and I were discussing how God created our hearts and how John Eldredge says that our hearts are God's most gifted treasures so don't you think he put a great deal of thought into crafting those hearts? I think this is beautiful and I'm so grateful to have a Godly husband that can bring me back to reality and remind me of these simple truths.

Fact of the matter is, I do have a love of photography. I love taking pictures, but not just for the sake of clicking a button or holding nice camera equipment. I love the emotion that goes with the pictures. The place, the feeling, and the scents that accompany a photo can really captivate the mind and in essence place that memory in the forefront to take us somewhere we need to be. Photography is an art that I'm yearning to learn more about. One of my favorite photographers right now (and I say right now because I frequently "blog-stalk" photographers and drool over their beautiful photos) is Lauren Clark (check her out: ). 

She and some fellow photography chics are hosting an event called Love Affair! “I want to win the Get It Together Kit & a seat to Love Affair Workshop. GO read the details and register!”

Who knows if God intents on me attending this event? Who even knows if He wants me to take my current hobby and turn it into a full-time business? If you know me well, then you know that I sway back and forth on my career options in terms of my current hobbies. When I go through a sewing mood, I want to create a sewing business. Some days I want to teach theatre. Sometimes I'll settle for any non-profit gig. But somedays, like today, when I feel very connected with the Lord, I feel that perhaps I should pursue this photography thing and see how I can grow it for God's Kingdom. 

Anyhow, I feel strongly that God put photography in my heart for a reason and I'm excited to see where this will all lead. Many thanks to whoever, if anyone, reads this. And lastly, please be prayerful of my career options and the ongoing task of pairing a career with my passions. 

Peace and God Bless!

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