So I've decided to show a little of the real me. Not the Insta pics of my gorgeous daughters doing a million cute things at once. Not the beautiful before and after pics of some craft or project. Not the look-at-how-much-fun-we-always-have posts. Not that those are bad. I love that stuff! That stuff is what I'm made of! But I'm human and I'm also made of guilt, shame, less-thans, neediness, idleness, and so many other flawed characteristics. It's who I am. Not perfect. Not by a long shot. But just me.
So here's my new thread, "Bran in Real Life" (get it? Like the movie "Dan in Real Life"...but Bran ;)
Selfie doin what I do best (and most it feels like)...rocking the baby to sleep.
Bran in Real Life Post Número Uno:
The forgotten room...
After cleaning and laundry and the what nots of a housewife, there is always a forgotten room. Well for me there is. This room is always my bedroom. Because I think, "we will just close that door". If I can't see the mess it doesn't bother me.
Damn, y'all. It's just gross. I've got maternity clothes boxed up (for about a week now), threeish weeks worth of clean laundry all over the place (how do we even find clean underwear!?), and hangers strewn about from that one day I tried to "clean the closet". Bahahaha. I currently think the only reason we have a chair in our room is not for sitting, but for keeping clean laundry off the floor. That sweet baby cradle has never been used by my kids. Well, maybe once by Charley but for some reason they both hate it. So I throw crap in it. Last night I knocked over my bedside lamp. I scooted my pillow right into it and it went crashing down. Yaaaa, that's still on the floor. I only make the bed if company is coming over and if I know you really well then you don't even get a made bed. Sorry.
And that's my real life, friends.
PS: this thread was inspired by my gal pal, Sarah, and her series entitled, "I'm Just Sayin'" over at
Gosh, I'm such a copycat. Kind of ;)
Hahaha! I LOVE this!!! I am the same way, love documenting all the fun and sunshine and rainbows, BUT that's only half of my real life. The rest is well, like this. And I love it too! Great post!