Thursday, May 1, 2014

This Baby...

Guys, I have a friend who has a baby girl the same age as Liza...maybe just a week or two younger, and it hurts my heart and makes me praise Jesus all at the same time to read about her progress everyday. 

She was born with a very rare disorder called Escobar Syndrome and has had a rough go at life in her short existence. So far she's only been home two weeks and has spent the rest of her time in the NICU. She's had three major surgeries. Yet she inspires me every. single. day. 

And so does her insanely gorgeous momma! 

If you want to keep up with baby Lexi and her progress, read about her here: 

She's so adorable and her expressive eyes remind me of my Liza bear! 

Also, this post is so raw and honest and beautiful I was bawling big ole alligator tears by the end of it. This is humility and humanity and just plain good hearted honesty. I'm sure most NICU moms can relate...

I have healthy babies. And I feel really fortunate. While I don't know Gods plan for this little family, I can say that He is using them. I draw encouragement and strength every time I see a picture of this precious baby smile. 

Find something that brings you joy, friends. 


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