Thursday, May 1, 2014


I've been wanting to post for a while now to get caught up on life, but then I get sucked into meal planning or tv or the girls. Here are some random tidbits fron our life lately: 

-I got a job! Yup! A part-time gig working for a local clinic helping them set up a new electronic medical records system. So far I really enjoy it :)

-I also enjoy the balance that being a part timer allows me with my family. Being a mommy is the best! 

-Liza has started eating solid foods! Right now just oatmeal but soon we will introduce green veggies. Yummmm! 

-Liza has had more awake periods and loves to play on the floor or in her exersaucer! 

-Charley has some "good/bad" days in this world of toddlerdom... Lately we've been getting a ton of "NO" and "I want it ________"<---insert noun such as hat or Memaw or Cheetos! Yaaaaa, lots of spankings going on...

-On the flip side, her vocabulary is getting more impressive each day! Today we watched Frozen and she told me "wear wear purple dress like Elsa". Then she did this...


-I really want a vacation. A mom and dad vacay to the beach or something. {can we make this happen!}

-Super bummed about going to get to go to Austin to surprise the baby sister for her bday only to find out she had other plans. Booo! 

-I've been on a super duper sweet tea kick lately. It's all I want. All the time. Mmmm :)


These three crack me up and keep me on my toes! 

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