Friday, April 11, 2014


I'm a natural born waiter. 

I wait to read until night. I wait until I'm inspired to make something. I wait for the night to come to start the dishwasher. I wait until we are almost out of milk to buy more. I wait for Jojo to come home everyday. I wait for when I have time to actually fix my hair to get my hair cut cool. I wait for help on projects. 

Some of these things (to me) are logical. Hence the dishwasher thing...just makes sense to start the thing when you have a full load, usually after a day of dishes pile up, right? Some of it, it just can't be helped. I have to wait on Jojo everyday and that's not really all that bad :) I'm just glad I have someone to wait on. 

In a brief moment of self discovery, I'm deciding not to wait anymore. I talked myself into getting that cool hair cut even though I have no more or less time than before to fix it, but you know what, I actually DO fix it. And I love it. And it makes me feel good. I decided to plant a flower garden in the front yard. Deep down I wanted to wait on when Jojo had time to help me, but I went ahead and just did it. Is it beautiful like a House Beautiful garden? Hell to the no. My pavers are no where near straight and my hundred dollars worth of plants seem really underwhelming once they are in the ground! Haha...oh well! I wanted to wait to get started on that project when both girls were napping, but that never happens, so we all three tread outside and I'm glad that I didn't wait. It's so fun to see Charley freak out when she's dirty and dote on her sister! 

People say wait to take the kids to Disney when they are older. I say go for it. Don't wait. No one guarantees our tomorrow and God forbid anything happen to the childrens...  And if they don't remember it, it's just a darn good excuse to go back! 

I've been waiting for the mesquite to bloom so we can start our vegetable garden. Now I {for reals} have to wait to borrow the tiller and get the weeds up. But I'm excited about the promise of working outside, tending to the garden, and collecting the harvest! 

Friends, sometimes we just have to wait. But when you absolutely don't have to, don't. Don't wait. Just do it. And don't be afraid to do it yourself :) 

My middle name used to be procrastination but I think I'll change it back to Lynn. Unless we are talking about laundry. Gross. That can deeeeefinitely wait. :)

Wait no more. 


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