Friday, February 28, 2014

An Open Letter to Ellen...

Dear Ellen,

I've decided to begin a new series on my blog called, "An Open Letter to Ellen". You know, to tell you all about what's going on in my life and let you know how much I love you and your show. 

Why do this, you may ask? Well, because somedays it's just a tough job to be a mommy and have no outside life. This lil blog here is a great escape and form of therapy for me to just let it all out there. I don't want you to think I'm a creeper or that you are like a Jesus or idol figure to me, I just like that you make me smile. And on days when I've tried watching you and Leo five different times, unsuccessfully, a smile is what I need. :)

(Notice you and Leo above...did you know that I did a book report on a Leonardo DiCaprio biography when I was in sixth grade? I did! I wish I still had it, but my mom doesn't save stuff like that (kind of like how she gave all my Polly Pockets away...yup, still bitter). Also notice in the pic the messy house, Gatorade (we all just got over a stomach virus), and yes, my sweet Ellen friend, that silver trash looking thing is a sleeve of thin mint Girl Scout cookies. I started to just grab two out of the freezer, then thought, what the heck, I'll just eat the whole damn thing ;) Sippy cup and yellow chair are indicators of my sweet, although today-very gripey and super bossy, two year old daughter. Not that you can tell this by the picture, but I'm also holding our youngest lil one, a three month old baby girl in my arms. Seems like the sisters like to gang up on mom and cry simultaneously while Leo is on. Thank god for DVR :)

I realize today's letter was terribly underwhelming, but just you wait...I may have some 'Classic Joke Wednesdays' of my own someday down the line. 

For now, I will say farewell, and until next time. For Pete's sake! Leo is on pause on my tv and I really want to watch this while both babes are sleeping! 

Until next time, 

(A big fan) 

1 comment:

  1. Baha! You are so funny! I am not an avid Ellen watcher but every time I have had it on I AM GLUED! You and the girls should start coming over one day a week in the mornings and we can sit out and watch it on the back patio! We can have Ellen and coffee mommy/play dates!
