Monday, July 14, 2014

#theMinefeetravellingcircus2k14 [days 6, 7, & HOME!]

I'll sum this up quickly...

Day 6: We left SLO for a short 1.5 hour drive to Santa Barbara, hopped on a flight to Denver, got rerouted due to weather in Denver, and missed our flight to Midland. The last flight to Midland that night :( We had to get a hotel in a neighboring town, take an $80 taxi ride, and sleep about six short hours until we woke up the next day to travel home. Denver, you suck. 

Chips for lunch :(

Thank God for patient Meemaw. Good thing she doesn't charge by the potty breaks :)

Eleven pm, still not unhappy, great little travelers. 

Day 7: Woke up. Ate breakfast. Shuttle to the airport. Boarded Denver to Houston (ugh, direct flights?), then Houston to home. It took all day, but goodness gracious we are glad to be home. 

Home: I wish I could say everything was peachy perfect while we were away, but both dogs had boughts of diarrhea, essentially ruining three rugs. Our dog sitters decided to put them in the kitchen, but unknowingly (both to them and us), Bella attempted to escape. She got free, but not without some major damage first...


Both me and Jojo took the day off today. He had to go to the doctor and I needed some major time to unwind, de-shit my house (thanks dogs, dried dog poo on the rugs/tile/wood...I'm still pissed!), and work on the massive laundry pile. 

You always read about those super-moms on Pinterest or some shared story on Facebook; "Sixteen Quick and Fabulous Ways to Travel Stress Free and Come Home to Forty Home-cooked Meals That You Prep in Under Twenty Minutes". To that mom, I gladly say, effffff off. 

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