Sunday, July 6, 2014


It was a weird sort of weekend. I felt like I was on the wrong day every day, and never just got with the program. It was fun times spent with good friends, getting prepped for our vacay to California, and down time too. 

Thursday our super good friends Spencer and Nicole and baby (well he's almost two now...) Jackson came in for the fourth festivities. Little did they know, we don't get out much, and poor things, our fourth was rather uneventful! 

Thursday night splash party in the bathtub! 

Friday we cooked out for a late lunch and everyone agreed we would just "wing it" rather than make definite plans on the evening. After all, we did have three kids under three! That in inself can be intense ;)

A toddler donut date with Charley & Jackson! 

The little explorers wanted a pinecone! 

Red, white, and blue! 

Ring around the Rosie!!!

I don't really know why, but Friday kicked my butt. I was SO tired. And poor Jackson started running fever so we cut the evening short and all headed in for an early night. 

Saturday our friends had to go home early because Jackson never really got rid of his high fever and woke up with a rash on his lower lip. It was so sad! We made the most of it and ran some errands and got a head start on packing

Today has been spent trying to pack. Gosh, it's so hard to get THREE GIRLS stuff for one whole week into just one bag. I got a little anal and put all the girlies outfits into ziplock baggies to be organized and try and save space. So far it looks good. I only have one Baggie of bathroom stuff left plus Liza's sleep blanket to pack, and when I weighed earlier I was only at 38 pounds! Woohoo!!

I think I'm preoccupied with the what ifs of our trip. I'm praying for safe travel, for happy kiddos, and for low anxiety as I'm typically SUPER anxious when I travel anyhow. Included in that anxiety is the fact that Liza wasn't herself today. She is such a happy camper and today was extremely needy and grumpy. Siiiiggh...please don't be getting sick little girl! (Maybe it's just a new milestone mood thing?)

Whelp, I still have lots to do and a bright and early (ugh, dark and early!) wake up call of 3:30 am for a full day of travel. 

Midland friends, please drive by my house and make sure it's still here ;) Y'all know how I worry!

Have an excellent week, peeps!

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