Last night was our first night of hardcore, no more bringing the baby to bed when she cries night. And it was killer. On us all. I ended up sleeping on Liza's floor because she seemed to be comforted with me in the room and it's like less of a bandaid pull to break her from co sleeping with me to being on her own.
Just now Jojo pulled Charley's trundle bed in there so that when she starts wailing {in about one hour I'd say...} I can have somewhere more cozy to sleep.
My husband is awesome! He really is the foundation of our family and the level headed thinker, the do-gooder, the selfless giver, and the happy maker :)
Throw in a few years of travel, kids, Austin living, adventures, and lots of love, grace, laughter, and food, and you've got yourself eight years of a wonderful life! And that ain't no joke :) We will celebrate eight years tomorrow :)
Here's a short timeline in pictures:
2005-little babies in love without a care in the world! Both college students. Engaged. And he gave me a puppy for Christmas that year (enter Addie!)
2006: we got married!!!! Hip hip hooray! I remember being so elated, it being hot, and not wanting to leave the reception cause we had such a blast with our friends!
2006 we also took the trip of a lifetime to Italy! Ciao Bella! (Even though we honeymooned in San Francisco!)
2007: We both graduated with our Bachelors degrees. Attended tons of weddings, went to the beach with the fam, travelled to Mazatlan, Mexico with friends.
2008: we lived it up in Austin staying involved with our church community and friends. And I had really super short hair.
2009: we vacationed in Managua, Nicaragua and had the most relaxing, low-key and least pretentious vacay to date.
2010: we had another trip of a lifetime attending the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa! On the way there we had a layover in Cairo, Egypt and got to see the great pyramids. We went on a true African Safari, drank in African bars with some awesome people we met at match, saw two football games, and had adventures in Johanessburg and Cape Town. So much goodness this year!
2011: we made the decision to move back home so we could start a family. We boldly and blindly moved. No jobs. No prospects. And how God has so provided for us. This year we got pregnant with sweet Charley Girl, got big people jobs, bought our first house, and took a just me and you road trip to Santa Fe, NM and Durango, CO.
2012: we welcomed Charbear into our world and family January 4. She has changed us forever, teaching us the simple joy that is found in being goofy, to love unconditionally, and to smile and laugh all day long! We visited California with a baby (crazy people!) and worked on this whole grown up-you-have-a-kid-now-thing!
2013: we adjusted to our new roles as parents, loving the life of a toddler and getting happily pregnant with baby number two. We took our annual vacation to Cali to visit family, worked on the house, and stayed busy awaiting the arrival of Elizabeth Jo. Liza was born on December 4, 2013, making our girls exactly 23 months apart! We have two amazingly sweet, full of personality, and healthy (thank you Lord!) little girls and life is so grand!
2014: to date, there are 1800 pictures in my 2014 folder on my phone. We are just living life with our little family and close circle of friends. We hang out with Meemaw and Papaw a lot, and love takeout food. Traveling is a bit harder with two babies, but we have Cali planned for later this year and are working on a mommy/daddy getaway! We play a ton, read a ton, listen and dance to music, and laugh and occasionally bicker.
Joseph Lee, we have done SO much together in just eight short years! Just think what is in store for the next eight or twenty, or fifty!
I am SO blessed to be your wife. You're my best friend. My bees knees. The creamer to my coffee. You're like my favorite comfy t-shirt that I love to wear over and over again. Seeing you become a daddy has made me fall ten-fold more in love with you. You're our family superstar and I love you a million, jillion, bazillllllion heepie gobbers!
Happy Anniversary Man Crush!
(also, I realize this turned into a rather long a little carried away, huh?)
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