Friday- Charley woke up vomiting. She only threw up once, then was her normal bubbly self. We gave her pedialite, juice, and tons of milk (per her request), and just did our best to get her to eat. She only ate dry cereal.
Saturday- Again, she threw up about 30 minutes after waking up. Only once. Still continued to play and act like our funny girl. One loose stool that evening. We did our best to make sure she was drinking lots and eating what she could. (In this case, 4 saltine crackers and a few marshmallows).
Sunday- No vomiting. Only one loose stool late in the afternoon. The big change here? Her personality was totally gone. She was whiney, clingy, didn't play, and just acted very, very sick. She refused all food but maybe two bites of scrambled eggs.
So fast forward to Monday. Joseph took her to our local pediatrician. He said she was dehydrated and gave us very clear and specific instructions: get her to drink 20 oz of pedialite by 2pm or he would need to admit her to the hospital for dehydration. Joseph and I were pushing both grape and strawberry pedialite as often as we could. Not even an hour after they had returned from Dr. N's office, the sweet thing had thrown it up. We both knew at that moment we would end up in the hospital.
So here we are, the three of us (Liza was here for a while earlier until Meemaw could get her), waiting on this baby to make an insane comeback from what was severe dehydration. Dr. N said he was so shocked at how low her numbers were since she didn't have numerous vomiting or diarreah episodes. But, alas, this horrible-no-good-plus-other-very-nasty-terrible-curse-words-bug has hit our precious daughter and hit her hard. :(
Please pray for healing of this love big so we can have our bubbly goofball back!
And while I wish this was all that was happening in our lives at the moment, it is not. Just a ton of health issues creeping up with the sis-in-laws fam and my grandmother. Plus, Meemer & Papaw had to put Mikey down today. It's just been a whirlwind of emotions these past few days. But it makes me incredibly grateful for the community of family and friends who make all this hurt much easier to handle.
Stay healthy friends. Hug someone you love. Thank your support system. Call your grandparents or a family member you admire. Kiss the kids. A lot. And please, please, please, wash those hands!!!
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