The beginning of fall (for me anyway) was marked by Charley going to MDO. Of course I was emotional and worried and second guessing my decision to make her go. And daddy has all the worst case scenarios playing out in his brain. So this was a big step for us. But she did great. (And is still doing great...LOVES it actually!)
At meet the teacher. Our first interaction with other kids at school and the two fabulous teachers. This really put my mind at ease. |
Her first day photo. To which she did NOT want to take a picture. BUT, this is one of my all time fav pics anyway. I just love her disgruntled face and hands in fists. She is quite the little drama queen :) |
A lot of my time this fall was dedicated to getting things ready for baby seester. We decided on naming her Elizabeth Jo, but will call her Liza. I hate when people ask us, "why don't you just name her Liza", to which I want to immediately punch them in the face and reply that when they carry this baby around in their bellies for nine months, they can name her what they damn well please, but for us, we want Elizabeth. ( sorry for the rant :)
We love the timelessness of the name Elizabeth and how classic it is. We figure when she gets older she might not want a name juvenile and sweet like Liza, then she can choose from Beth, Lizzie, Liz...etc....
Anyway, we love the name Liza. And Charley can say it. But mostly says "Lizie". Which is even cuter :)
A sweet place for baby Liza to sleep in mommy and daddy's room. |
While I've wanted to do more around the house this pregnancy, I just have gotten so huge so fast that I spend a great deal of my day on the couch. Yup. And yes my thighs and lovehandles definitely show it too. Here are some random pics from this fall and what we've been up to.
Playing outside (in the dog water bowl, of course!) when it's not too hot or too cold. |
LOTS, and lots of messes, books, playing on the floor, and coloring. Or "draw" as Char likes to say :) |
Occasional trips to the park. To which daddy makes me walk, not drive. And sweet daddy plays with Char and slides with her while big preggo me sits on the bench and hands out water when it's needed :) |
Dressing up with necklaces or "wear wear" as Char says. Playing with purses. Watching football, or "foop-ball"! |
Making wreaths with good friends :) |
And coloring in our pj's until well after noon! |
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